Wed 3rd Bobbin
lace group Fibrebarn
Friday 5th AGM
- prior to Friday craft at Fibrebarn. 10am.
Most positions have nominees
Friday 12th Craft
day at Fibrebarn Access with care Wheelchairs
Friday 19th
Craft day at Fibrebarn
Saturday 20th Book making/Annette Cost: $32 p.p. & $45
Bookings essential Margaret 4055 5899
Friday 26th Craft day at Fibrebarn
Friday 2nd Craft day at Fibrebarn
Wed 7th Bobbin Lace at Fibrebarn
Friday 9th Craft day at Fibrebarn & prepare for Leukaemia Foundation’s Fair
Saturday 10th
Set up Leukaemia Stall. Fred Moule
Sunday 11th Leukaemia Foundation’s Christmas Fair
Friday 16th
Craft day at Fibrebarn
Friday 17th
Workshop day Temari Balls with Margaret
S. Booking essential.
Sample of Temari Balls
Friday 23rd Craft
day at Fibrebarn
Sunday 25th The
Jade Restaurant. $25 p.h. Bookings essential. Christmas Party
Friday 30th
Craft day at Fibrebarn